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This is an old revision of the document!

API Calls

Please note: the API calls are universal. They will work on any operating system. You need to have enabled API documentation in your settings.json file for using API calls. You can only run these calls on the computer acting as a node which will need to be fully synced!

Here is the line: "apiDocumentationEnabled": true

List of mostly used API calls:

Your Qortal Node API Documentation/Access:


Your core block chain height, core status (minting or syncing), number of connected nodes:


Your Qortal Node Admin Information (your up time & Build Version):


Your Qortal Node Information (Address, PublicKey, Blocks Minted):


Adding new peer to your DB:


Ditch chain to set height:

If your core is stuck at some height, you can try to ditch blocks to some height and re-sync from there. You are inputting height to ditch to. If you will input 300000, your core will drop blocks up to 300000 and then start to sync from that height and catch back up to the right height. If during the roll back you notice its getting slower or stalling, just close core and repeat steps, sometimes you need to repeat the steps a couple to roll back to your desired block quickly:


Version 3.0 and the 'API key'

In version 3.0.1 and beyond, there is now an 'apikey.txt' file that is created by the UI when accessing the Qortal core. This file is located in the qortal core folder.

You will need to utilize this file with 'sensitive' API calls in order to make them function.

Any API call that has the X-API-KEY section in it, will require the API key to be input in order to function. For calls that have that, simply open the apikey.txt, copy the API key, and put in the API key into that field when making the call. If you do not do this, the call will not function.

api_calls.1642210475.txt.gz · Last modified: 01/14/2022 20:34 by crowetic