====== Linux (Debian+Ubuntu+Mint) ====== {{:qortal_official_logo_transparent_.png?400|}} =====Installing Qortal on Linux - 2 Methods===== You may also want to check out [[https://qortal.dev]] for simple step-by-step instructions. There is also a video on configuring Ubuntu+Cinnamon Desktop by crowetic on Q-Tube qortal://APP/Q-Tube/video/crowetic/qtube_vid_ubuntu-22-crowetic-style-qorta_HlLU7O_metadata [[https://qortal.link/APP/Q-Tube/video/crowetic/qtube_vid_ubuntu-22-crowetic-style-qorta_HlLU7O_metadata]] **Please note:** after setting up your computer as a node, be sure to review the [[Port Forwarding]] guide to ensure your node functions optimally. =====New Method - Installing Qortal with the assistance of the Qortal UI ===== ====Step 1- Download the Qortal UI AppImage from qortal.org ==== ====Step 2 - Make the AppImage Executable (either right click it, properties, permissions, allow executing as a program checkbox) ==== ====Step 3 - Run the AppImage file ==== ===Say YES to installing Java, if your machine doesn't have Java installed, it will download and use a portable Java installation. Say YES to download the Qortal Core. === That's it, Qortal Core will start, bootstrap, and get synchronized, and you're good to go! ===(additional optional visual improvments) === If you would like to have your Qortal-UI be named Qortal-UI, simply rename the AppImage file to Qortal-UI. (you do not need to keep the .AppImage extension) If you would like to have the logo attached to the Qortal-UI, right click the file, properties, click the 'blank logo' icon, and browse for the qortal.ico file. It can be found in [[official_images_press_kit|]] You may also create 'launchers' so that the Qortal-UI will be in the menu, if you wish to do this, go to your menu editor, and create a new item, call it Qortal UI, then browse to the Qortal-UI AppImage file, attach the logo, and create. That's it! =====Old/Manual Method - install Qortal-UI and Qortal Core===== How to install Qortal on Linux (ubuntu, mint, debian, debian-based distros.) (Input each command with enter after them.) (any time the terminal asks for a password, it is your OS user password, it won't SHOW the password as you input it, just input it and push enter.) (all commands are run from terminal.) pre-setup, you should update your apt repo - sudo apt update && sudo apt -y upgrade 1. Install Java, and Unzip- sudo apt install default-jre unzip 2. Download the Qortal Core zip extract, make scripts executable, and run start.sh - https://github.com/Qortal/qortal/releases/latest/download/qortal.zip - you can also do this with wget from terminal, like this (triple-click to select entire code line, copy and paste into terminal and push enter): This command will download the zip, extract it, make the scripts executable and start the Qortal Core. You will see it pop up with the splash screen telling you it is downloading and extracting the bootstrap, then it will run on the taskbar. wget https://github.com/Qortal/qortal/releases/latest/download/qortal.zip && unzip qortal.zip && cd qortal && chmod +x *.sh && ./start.sh 3. Download and install the Qortal UI appimage installer - https://github.com/Qortal/qortal-ui/releases/latest/download/Qortal-Setup-amd64.AppImage - you can also download this with wget from terminal like this: cd && cd Desktop && curl -L -O https://github.com/Qortal/qortal-ui/releases/latest/download/Qortal-Setup-amd64.AppImage && mv Qortal-Setup*.AppImage Qortal-UI && chmod +x Qortal-UI We recommend the AppImage version as it offers auto updates (which can be declined by the user if desired). Qortal will start, you'll see a splash screen telling you it is downloading and extracting the bootstrap for you, then it will run 'in the background' on the taskbar with a Q icon. The icon will be RED when you're not fully synchronized, and BLUE when you are. 4. Run the Qortal UI app that is now installed on your system. Run through the account creation process in the Qortal UI, to create your Qortal account. Be sure you use a password you will remember, and save the backup file in multiple locations. This is the only way you can access your account from any other computer, or if your computer fails. Be very sure you have multiple copies of this. Once you have created your account and your node is synchronized, if you would like to become a minter, simply ask in Qortal chat or Q-Chat and let people know where you heard of Qortal. **FYI: HELP GUIDES BELOW MAY SUGGEST BOOTSTRAPPING WHICH IS NO LONGER NEEDED AFTER CORE VERSION 2.0! These guides below were made prior to 2.0** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XO6NoVE79rQ ===== Linux Install from Command Line===== **From MeadMan:** This is the basics of installing the core and UI on Linux from the command line. I use Kubuntu and these instructions work on most Ubuntu derivatives. If you are running some other distro document whatever you do during install and I'll update. You will need several items installed to make it easier. First, install Java 11, p7zip & curl See if you have it: $ java -version openjdk version "" 2020-11-04 OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build, mixed mode, sharing) If you do skip to: ‘Install p7zip’ section. If not, then do this: https://computingforgeeks.com/how-to-install-java-11-on-ubuntu-debian-linux/ For Ubuntu 20.04, run: sudo apt update sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk Install p7zip: sudo apt install p7zip Install curl: sudo apt install curl **Install Qortal core:** Get the files you need for Linux. They currently are: https://github.com/Qortal/qortal/releases/latest/download/qortal.zip Now start the core: cd /qortal ./start.sh It should tell you it's passed the java version check and give you the PID: "Passed Java version check qortal running as pid 2020" Make sure it is running: ps -ef | grep -i qort root 2020 1 31 13:52 pts/1 00:01:27 java -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=false -jar qortal.jar It stores the PID (Process ID) in the "run.pid" file: cat run.pid 2020 To stop it gracefully: cd /qortal ./stop.sh **Install Qortal-UI:** Right click on the qortal-ui_amd64.deb file and select "Open with QApt Package Installer" If it is missing any libraries have it install them (click "Details" to see which ones) You should see it running in the right side of your system menu bar. Click on the start icon and type in "qortal", then right click on "qortal ui" and "Add to Desktop" Run it from the desktop Create Account Seed Phrase (Leave seed phrase hidden or save safely in a Veracrypt file). **If you are going to keep the seed phrase keep it in an encrypted file. Very important!** Account Name: Password: Current Wallet: Let it sync and once you can Q-Chat you are sync'd up. Ask for a coin so you can register a name. Set your name in "Name Registration" ===== Helpful Links & Docs ===== https://qortal.org/ # Until it is moved into Qortal this is home http://wiki.qortal.org/doku.php # The Wiki for the Qortal project https://discord.gg/wVB5TNYrf9 # Once in read the pinned messages for instructions https://github.com/Qortal/qortal/releases # The Qortal GitHub repo for source code and installation files # See the status of your core # Info about your version etc # All the API calls you never knew about https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0U9kb72V7vjnrO5dJltxqQ # Lots of 5-15 minute videos. A very good resource. ===== Linux Desktop Only Install ===== **From Jaymen:** apt update apt install openjdk-11-jdk apt install unzip apt install bc apt install p7zip-full wget https://github.com/Qortal/qortal/releases/latest/download/qortal.zip unzip qortal.zip cd qortal chmod +x *.sh ./start.sh ===== Linux VPS Only Install ===== **From Jaymen:** sudo -i apt update cd /home adduser test usermod -a -G sudo test apt install openjdk-11-jdk apt install unzip apt install bc apt install p7zip-full cd test wget https://github.com/Qortal/qortal/releases/latest/download/qortal.zip unzip qortal.zip cd qortal chmod +x *.sh chown -R test /home/test/qortal su test echo -en "{\n\"apiDocumentationEnabled\": true\n}\n\"" > settings.json ./start.sh ===== Linux Pi4 Only Install ===== **From Jaymen:** wget https://github.com/Qortal/qortal/releases/latest/download/qortal.zip unzip qortal.zip cd qortal chmod +x *.sh echo -en "{\n\"apiDocumentationEnabled\": true\n}\n\"" > settings.json ./start.sh