====== SSH Tunneling ====== {{:qortal_official_logo_transparent_.png?400|}} ** SSH tunneling using Putty :** From @steph06: In case you want to set-up several nodes for minting redundancy, find here below an overview of the configuration that could be implemented thanks to SSH tunneling. It is assumed here that you have one PC in which you have a UI installed and that will be able to communicate alternatively to each one of your core. If you just have one core to be controlled in remote, you can use the same principle to communicate with, just by keeping the same Source & Destination Port 12391. Note: Click on the images below for a larger view of the steps and processes. {{::10a08493-e57e-46d8-a72a-03e2a487c4c4.jpeg?400|}} {{::33183788-2e2b-4883-897e-663081f4446e.jpeg?400|}}