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hardware_-_service_access [11/02/2019 05:01] dmaxhardware_-_service_access [03/12/2021 04:49] (current) – removed gfactor
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-== Wiki page is and will remain a work in progress == 
-**Default passwords & folders** 
-Portal IP = \\ 
-SSH default enabled usernames = root & dmax with password dmax911e \\ 
-//Login to device's SSH on its portal IP to change passwords.// \\ 
-{{ :root-login.png?600 |}} 
-Tor gateway runs on default portal IP with port 9050. Simply direct your applications and browsers to use it with DNS over HTTPS for full anonymity and censorship bypass.  
-{{ :tor-firefox.png?600 |}}  
-Wifi SSID =  qortal with password dmax911e \\ 
-//To change the default SSID and Wifi password, edit /etc/hostapd.conf with SSID and password of your choice and reboot the device.// \\ 
-Emby Media Server = emby with password dmax911e \\ 
-//Password for username "emby" can be changed from the Settings menu.// \\ 
-OwnCloud = admin with password dmax911e \\ 
-//Admin password can be changed from the Admin menu.// \\ 
-Transmission Torrent Client = transmission with password transmission \\ 
-//Login to SSH on portal IP address, stop transmission daemon with /etc/init.d/transmission stop and edit /etc/transmission-daemon/settings.json with a new password of your choice.// \\ 
-Mumble Server = superuser with password dmax911e \\ 
-//Edit the file /etc/mumble-server.ini and look for serverpassword and update if you would like a password for users looking to join the server.// Visit [[https://www.omgserv.com/en/faq-mumble/setting_up_a_mumble_user_as_a_server_administrator-29/|https://www.omgserv.com/en/faq-mumble/setting_up_a_mumble_user_as_a_server_administrator-29/]] on how to create an admin user for yourself at first run. If you want your Mumble server to be publicly accessible, create a forward rule on your primary modem or router with Qort Gen 1 IP assigned to its Ethernet port (WAN) with port 64738 and protocol as both TCP & UDP. You can even run Mumble on DarkWeb but for that, you have to get in touch with Dmax on [[[email protected]|Email]] \\ 
-{{ :qort-mumble.png?500 |}} 
-Bitcoin Wallet = /root/bitcoin \\ 
-root@qort:~/bitcoin/bin# ls\\ 
-bitcoin-cli  bitcoin-qt  bitcoin-tx  bitcoin-wallet  bitcoind  test_bitcoin\\ 
-//Run the bitcoin core as bitcoind -daemon to fully sync the BTC chain locally on qort device. If you do not wish to run bitcoind as root ( strongly advised ) then create a new user for yourself and run bitcoind with it. // \\ 
-**Warning:** Before you sync all BTC chain, run the qort-migrate utility to migrate everything on a larger storage device such as a 512GB USB flash drive or a USD HDD/SSD else the huge chain data will occupy the entire embedded storage space on the qort device. \\ 
-{{ :qort-migrate.png?600 |}} 
-{{ :qort-migrate1.png?600 |}} 
-{{ :qort-migrate2.png?600 |}} 
-{{ :qort-btc-disk.png?600 |}} 
-Once the migration finishes, the device will reboot and you can then safely run bitcoind -daemon. \\ 
-BitchX IRC Client \\ 
-BitchX is a free IRC client and has been considered to be the most popular ircII-based IRC client. It is strongly recommended that BitchX is used as a non root user. Create a new shell user for yourself on SSH terminal and visit [[https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/bitchx-and-bitchxrc-431392/|https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/bitchx-and-bitchxrc-431392/]] to setup its rc file. You can use a screen session for BitchX client and have an always on presence on IRC server of your choice. 
-{{ :qort-bitchx.png?600 |}} 