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raspberry_pi_4_qortector_gen_2 [11/08/2021 16:36] gfactorraspberry_pi_4_qortector_gen_2 [11/10/2021 16:54] (current) – removed gfactor
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-====== Raspberry Pi 4 QORTector Gen 2====== 
-**Brooklyn R kernel is now available (Update May 2021)** 
-  * fully open source 
-  * customized specifically for Qortal 
-  * optimized performance, and a must-have! 
-**Raspberry Pi 4 configuration recommendations:** 
-  * Raspberry Pi 4B (8GB) 
-  * Power Supply 
-  * Case with fan (fan is important!) 
-  * 128GB SD card or a usb 3.0 SSD 500 gb or above ( recommended ) 
-  -  Download SD Memory card formatter: [[https://www.sdcard.org/downloads/formatter| Select OS on site]] 
-  -  Download Balenaetcher : [[https://www.balena.io/etcher| Select OS on site]] 
-  - Download 7-zip : [[https://www.7-zip.org/a/7z1900-x64.exe|Windows (64bits)]] , [[https://www.7-zip.org/a/7z1900.exe|Windows (32bits)]] 
-  - For Mac users download Keka: [[https://d.keka.io|macOS]] 
-  - If RDP to PI: [[https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/remote/remote-desktop-services/clients/remote-desktop-clients| Select OS on site]]   
-  - Download Brooklyn R kernel (Pick only __**ONE**__ ):  
-  * [[https://cloud.qortal.org/s/HzyASe4fJbLTQsm| QortalOS NXT Sinclair Headless (CLI only)]] ( medium to expert level users, for all Raspberry Pi 4 models and 3B+,True mempow implementation for lag free crunching) 
-  * [[https://cloud.qortal.org/s/gzLtPGaRNBNeeJB| QortalOS NXT Headless (CLI only)]] ( medium to expert level users, excellent throughput on Qortal web hosting , sync & relay) 
-  * [[https://cloud.qortal.org/s/2f86Zt5kBbwnco3|Jaymen Headless (CLI only)]] ( Advanced users without the Desktop environment)  
-  * [[https://cloud.qortal.org/s/QNNGyy98HKTeNBb|QortalOS NXT Vermouth Desktop]] (LXQT Desktop, Includes daily use software for productivity and communication) 
-  * [[https://cloud.qortal.org/s/6XFN2oe7nReCNZ3|QortalOS NXT Beluga Desktop]] (GNOME Desktop, Built for plug and play use, Only accessible via SSH and RDP) 
-  * [[https://cloud.crowetic.com/s/7nJkZrEGJTjXW2K|XFCE Desktop]] (recommended for beginners)  
-  * [[https://cloud.crowetic.com/s/6Rq9DcSWfeeLwgG|Plasma Desktop]] (aka KDE, image with a perfect blend of beauty and performance) 
-  * [[https://cloud.crowetic.com/s/HgnZt8KDATm8q35|Cinnamon Desktop]] (Not suitable for microSD cards or 4GB Pi variants, no RDP) 
-  * [[https://cloud.crowetic.com/s/GPPS6oKAeDEcWBs|Russcade Desktop]] (able to run the core while gaming, aukey 65w power supply and Power Delivery cable highly recommended) 
-  * [[https://cloud.crowetic.com/s/9BPBQn92r2zz9nf|Plumbus Desktop]] (Qortector version, MATE and LXDE integration, most responsive desktop environment)  
-Details of each Brooklyn Releases: https://github.com/Qortal/Brooklyn/releases 
-**Installation Instructions:** 
-  - Format SD card with FAT32/FATX using SD Memory Card Formatter 
-  - Use 7-zip to extract the image, you will get a file with **Disc icon** (circling in picture){{::1.png?400|}} 
-  - Open Balenaetcher, insert your SD card or SSD drive, select the image you extracted and SD card or SSD drive, click flash! {{::2.png?400|}} 
-  - Once it finish flashing the image. Plug the SD or SSD drive to pi4 and power on the Pi 4. (It needs some time to start up) 
-  -  Power on the Pi 4 and wait a few minutes to start. In the mean time log into your router to see what the IP address is of your Pi 4 if you plan on going headless (ask Qortal tech for help finding your IP if you do not have access to your router). If you are using a monitor, keyboard and mouse ignore last. 
-  - If you are going headless (using a different computer to log into the pi 4 desktop) then on windows open up Remote Desktop Connection. If on Linux or Mac download your version of windows remote desktop.  
-  - Enter the IP for your Pi 4 and click connect. Click yes when it asks about connecting and if you trust the certificates. 
-  - Log in. Username: pi Password: dmax911e 
-  - Open the terminal and enter the command line: sudo raspi-config. Scroll down to advanced settings hit enter, select expand file system and select it. When it is done select exit and it will ask for you to reboot. Click yes. 
-  - Open terminal and input the commands below: 
-    * Download qortal core: (Some releases have qortal core included check the details on the git) 
-<code>wget https://github.com/Qortal/qortal/releases/latest/download/qortal.zip 
-unzip qortal.zip</code> 
-    * Start the core: (Qortal core 2.0 will auto-bootstrap then sync up.  If it looks like the image below, that means your core is running now!) 
-<code>cd qortal 
-chmod +x *.sh 
-**How to Run Qortal UI **  
-Type in Terminal (Press Enter after each commands):  
-<code>cd UI 
-cd qortal-ui 
-yarn run server & </code> 
-Then go to the web browser. Type localhost:12388 (Qortal UI Login will pop up.)  
-Note: For Headless, you will need to set up a tunnel to your pi4  
-See SSH tunneling: 
-**BrooklynR Kernel features:** 
-  - Hardened the Kernel security. No more local exploits. 
-  - Locked the memory copy b/w internal and external memory devices 
-  - Added Entropy hardware for maxed out entropy. Far more than an i7 Processor.  
-  - Thermal control. Yes you can add fans and they will auto start when the temp hits 51C 
-  - SPH implementation of crypto functions 
-  - Updated crypto algorithms 
-  - Full SoC encryption enabled on board the CPU for UI and Core speedup 
-  - Overclocking assist now supported on 4B rev 1.2 and above. 
-  - 32 is enabled by default. You will not need 64 bit. 
-These releases can guarantee uptime of years without a single reboot or stall. 
-No one will ever need to reboot a Pi 4 anymore, provided you use the recommended power bricks.  
-Users have option of Headless releases or with a full featured accelerated Desktop GUI Release: QortalOS NXT LXQT, QortalOS NXT GNOME, Plasma, XFCE, Cinnamon, Russcade or Plumbus. 
raspberry_pi_4_qortector_gen_2.1636407389.txt.gz · Last modified: 11/08/2021 16:36 by gfactor