Qortal Project

The future of blockchain platforms

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qortal_in_a_nutshell [03/28/2023 11:30] gfactorqortal_in_a_nutshell [03/06/2025 13:13] (current) crowetic
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 ===== A Quick Overview of Qortal ===== ===== A Quick Overview of Qortal =====
-The Qortal Project will provide a viable solution to the infringement of our digital lives. Our data and communications are being monitoredfree speech censored, social media accounts sanctioned or permanently banned unfairly, and so much more. The blockchain space is riddled with problems such as: 1) Bitcoin and other blockchains have become centralized, 2) projects claiming to be decentralized are usually not, 3) centralized exchanges have historically lost coin holder’s assets and not reimbursed the account holder, and 4) scam projects run rampant. We believe in restoring balance to the people of the world. We envision platform that provides infrastructure for a new system. One that cannot be hacked or compromised, as it is truly decentralized and self-empowering.+This section is being re-written, as Qortal has seen significant upgrades and changes in the recent past, and is in the process of a 're-birth'
-Qortal aims to provide an unhackable censorship-free platform for a new Internet and systems to be built securely. This technology can provide the world with the freedom we deserve with non-fiat banking, payment transactions, speech, information trade, communication privacy, and more:+Qortal is the ONLY true 'next generation internet' platform in existence. Any other that claims to be, is simply incorrect. After review of countless other such projects, none of them can hold a candle to Qortal in regard to truly decentralized and uncensorable data storage, communications, web and application publishing, all with no servers, no DNS, and no middlemen of any kind.  
 +Qortal provides a censorship-free network for a new Internet and systems to be built securely. This technology can provide the world with the freedom we deserve with non-fiat banking, payment transactions, speech, information trade, communication privacy, and more:
   *Local wallets that the individual has complete and sole control over   *Local wallets that the individual has complete and sole control over
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 The Qortal DevTeam does not have any control over accounts, balances, censorship, etc. It is up to individuals to engage in the new system responsibly and admins to manage their sub-communities without oversight. Qortal does not have any intellectual property or centralized properties for legal responsibility. No government or powers that be can do anything about it other than shut down the entire Internet and ISP backbone. This is simply not realistic as virtually everything operates on the Internet and we would have much bigger problems at that point. We realize this is a debatable topic, but need to focus on the positive that Qortal aims to solve this vulnerability. We have plans to implement a mesh network and satellite bridge ISP alternative to remove the need for existing internet service providers (ISP) and the entire network can be run on devices as low powered as 5w5v (as much as a phone charger) so can easily be run on a solar panel. With this new sovereignty worldwide, we can grow together like never before and unify. This is the beauty of what can come from true decentralization utilizing blockchain technology. The Qortal DevTeam does not have any control over accounts, balances, censorship, etc. It is up to individuals to engage in the new system responsibly and admins to manage their sub-communities without oversight. Qortal does not have any intellectual property or centralized properties for legal responsibility. No government or powers that be can do anything about it other than shut down the entire Internet and ISP backbone. This is simply not realistic as virtually everything operates on the Internet and we would have much bigger problems at that point. We realize this is a debatable topic, but need to focus on the positive that Qortal aims to solve this vulnerability. We have plans to implement a mesh network and satellite bridge ISP alternative to remove the need for existing internet service providers (ISP) and the entire network can be run on devices as low powered as 5w5v (as much as a phone charger) so can easily be run on a solar panel. With this new sovereignty worldwide, we can grow together like never before and unify. This is the beauty of what can come from true decentralization utilizing blockchain technology.
-So who controls the codebase of this ambitious project and are there any vulnerabilities? Qortal has a ‘DevTeam’ with 'DevTeam Admins' who are elected developers in charge of updating the codebase. This is the only ‘centralized’ aspect, but necessary control over the code to maintain its integrity. Anyone can join the DevTeam and become a DevTeam Admin with time and contribution, as nothing within Qortal can be bought. Such as account levels and admin privileges. The DevTeam Admins require a group approval (with an on-chain transaction) of 60% in order to issue an auto-update. This means that an individual DevTeam Admin is not capable of going rogue and sabotaging the chain. As time goes on, more devs are added to the Admin team and the group becomes more decentralized, so-to-speak. Most of these individuals, who are located in various parts of the world, prefer to remain anonymous and this is extremely strategic as it ensures the codebase could never be overthrown - even if those whose identities are found were kidnapped or however our imagination wanders, where they would be ‘forced’ to corrupt the chain, it simply isn’t possible without the 60% approval.+So who controls the codebase of this ambitious project and are there any vulnerabilities? Qortal has a 'Developer Group' with 'Developer Admins' who are elected developers in charge of updating the codebase. The developer group has 'group approval' based 'vote' over both new version releases and new Anyone can join the Developer Group and become a Dev Admin by proving their contributions, as nothing within Qortal can be bought. Such as account levels and admin privileges. The DevTeam Admins require a group approval (with an on-chain transaction) of 40% in order to issue an auto-update. 
-We launched the Genesis block on June 29th 2020, and have a lot to work towards, but all of this can and will be done thanks to the strong community we’ve built and continue to growWe’ve made it this far with hardly any funding and limited developer resources! The codebase is open source for both the blockchain and the Raspberry Pi hardware which can operate as a stand-alone desktop and blockchain node. Crowetic Hardware Development (CHD) is a new company that three of the Qortal founders formed to sell these devices to those who would like a plug-n-play device or want to support the team as CHD will profit share with the Qortal DevTeam (www.Crowetic.com). For those more technically inclined, they can buy the hardware themselves and follow the help files on the wiki, as well as seek tech support in Telegram, Discord or our very own blockchain-based Q-chat to build their own device. Virtually any modern computer can be ran as a node, and the help guides to do so are also on the wiki!+Genesis Block took place on June 29th 2020. All of the decisions made at genesis that were determined to be ones that shouldn't have taken place, have all now been resolved as of the end of 2024A NEW ERA of Qortal is now BEGINNING!
-Qortal has its own coin called QORT which is both a service coin to power on-chain functionality, as well as a digital currency, which can be used as a form of payment on-chain. Businesses and services can accept whatever cryptocurrencies Qortal supports as payment methods. Qortal will provide a safe haven for a new Internet of e-commerce and job marketplaces where smart contracts can be utilized to make payments in cryptocurrency. Virtually any new, ethical system can be built on Qortal’s infrastructure! 
-Qortal will implement a voting system where the community will be able to vote on the project’s direction. The account levels and blocks minted will give members a weighted vote. This will allow the community to earn a heavier weighted vote based on time and contribution. Everyone reaches the same max level 10 account in time. This will keep the community involved and not force every decision to be left solely in the hands of the DevTeam.  
 ===== A Deeper Dive Into Qortal ===== ===== A Deeper Dive Into Qortal =====
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 Qortal is not a clone of any other blockchain project. The codebase is written from scratch other than a few bits of code taken from QORA dealing with the transaction framework. Qortal is not a clone of any other blockchain project. The codebase is written from scratch other than a few bits of code taken from QORA dealing with the transaction framework.
-QORA is the original project of Qortal which has been in development for over 8 years and has evolved into much more ambitiousall-encompassing focus on decentralizationQORA required nearly complete rewrite of its codebase which led to the evolution of the project to what is now called Qortal. +QORA was a previous project that was taken over in 2016, after it was considered a 'dead' project. The Qortal development group at the time, took over the QORA project's development, in an effort to rebuild the project with corrected concepts. Initially, the Qortal project offered to allow the QORA community to 'transition' to Qortal in multiple ways. Though it was later determined that this concept was not a great one, as many of the QORA community decided to take advantage of the Qortal project in multiple ways. This lead to the modification of Qortal to lower the QORA 'burn rewards' to 1%, and the upcoming modification that will remove the application of 'blocksMintedAdjustment' that gave the QORA users pre-existing level on Qortal. These concepts were deemed failedand as such have either been removed already, or are in the process of being finalized.  
 +The CIYAM Developers are the group that created the 'AT language', a fully custom hardware-level coding language that powers Qortal's 'ATs' or 'Automated Transactions'. These allow Qortal the REAL cross-blockchain trade functionality, automated decentralized CrowdFunding capability (as demoed in Q-Fund Q-App), automated decentralized Lottery functionality as demoed on apps like 'Q-Lottery', automated decentralized Escrow systems, payments-over-time, automated payments on a schedule, and MUCH moreThe ATs of Qortal have just barely been scratched the surface of in regard to their overall functionality, and lot more will be coming in the future leveraging the extreme power of ATs. Read more about the technology on CIYAM developers website - [[https://ciyam.org/at]]. 
 +Qortal is a completely custom-written project, written from scratch due to there being nothing to start with that contained anywhere near the level of decentralization and other features that the project needed to become what it was meant to be. It is built to be a completely independent public utility, owned by no one, and everyone. It is what Bitcoin and all other so-called 'crypto projects' were meant to be, and provides truly unmatched decentralized functionality unlike that of any other.  
 +There is no other project that comes close to Qortal in regard to the ability to create a true 'web3'. By the people, for the people
-CIYAM is a third-party group of developers who created the ‘AT’ SmartContract system which was the first of its kind to conduct a true peer-to-peer trade in the blockchain space. Qortal includes this CIYAM trade framework along with some customization known as the ‘TradeBot’ which allows automation of the multiple transactions involved in each cross-chain trade. The TradeBot of Qortal keeps track of each trade on behalf of the user who created them and can only be accessed by the user that created the trade. The custom TradeBot ultimately makes the Trade Portal more user-friendly with automation on the backend+More updated information will be coming soon. The information below is kept only for historic purposes, and may or may not still be accurate.
-The point to make here is that the DevTeam did not find any existing codebase in the blockchain space suitable for what Qortal required and decided that what we aim for can be done, but will require the codebase to be written from scratch (other than the QORA and CIYAM framework implemented)Furthermore, Qortal will likely be the codebase that other projects will want to clone, although we are building infrastructure for any ethical project to build with Qortal, rather than against. Ethereum provides platform for third-party projects to build onbut in our opinion, is extremely flawed and Qortal will become the more suitable option. We also do not aim to 'compete' with other projects. We simply aim to build regardless, in a complete stand-alone solution.+===== Information below this point may be considered outdated as of 2025. Qortal is in the process of complete 're-birth', and now has the functionality necessary to build a TRUE 'New Internet'with the mesh networking protocol and real-time communications being built now that will finalize the full requirements=====
 Funding Qortal has been extremely challenging as there is no intellectual property and was launched ethically with no ICO (initial coin offering), pre-mine, or airdrop. All of our developers currently have full-time jobs to support a base income and help with Qortal in their free time. Although it is extremely admirable of the devs to make themselves available for Qortal, it ultimately has caused a slower rate of production than would be possible if we could bring devs on full-time. With such an ambitious and revolutionary project, the rate of production has been a bit frustrating but we are proud to say development is moving forward nonetheless.  Funding Qortal has been extremely challenging as there is no intellectual property and was launched ethically with no ICO (initial coin offering), pre-mine, or airdrop. All of our developers currently have full-time jobs to support a base income and help with Qortal in their free time. Although it is extremely admirable of the devs to make themselves available for Qortal, it ultimately has caused a slower rate of production than would be possible if we could bring devs on full-time. With such an ambitious and revolutionary project, the rate of production has been a bit frustrating but we are proud to say development is moving forward nonetheless. 
qortal_in_a_nutshell.1680017414.txt.gz · Last modified: 03/28/2023 11:30 by gfactor