Qortal Project

The future of blockchain platforms

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This is an old revision of the document!

Leadership Structure

Qortal is meant to be community-driven. With that said, it is still important that we have some sort of leadership to help manage the development. Qortal will always produce truly decentralized features on-chain so let's not confuse that with the necessary leadership for us to maintain an organized operation. The more maturely we execute development, the more trust the community will have for the core team. Anyone can get involved and work their way into the core team, and eventually a Dev Group Admin, as it is certainly not an exclusive club. We just ask that everyone respect the current dynamics of the situation and build together in a productively coordinated manner. Below is a partial list of the core team. Keep in the mind that we have help from people who want to remain anonymous (even their alias). We'd love to get all the help we can, although strategizing this can be a bit tricky so bear with us! Please reach out to the core team and we'll figure it out!

Current Primary Developers

Qortal operates by way of complete community development. As such any developer wishing to assist the project may do so by simply providing their intent to do so to the community, and subsequently proving their ability by making pull requests, building Q-Apps, etc.

The 'Primary' developers define the role of developers working on the primary Qortal code repositories. (Namely the Qortal Core and the Qortal UI) These developers are the ones doing the majority of the 'heavy lifting' of the project.

  • CalDescent - Core / UI - lead core
  • AlphaX - Core / UI - previous lead UI moving to core
  • catbref - Core / ATs - originsl lead core (built original qortal repo)
  • Phillip - UI / Q-Apps - transitioning to lead UI / Qortal related Q-Apps
  • Justin - UI / Q-Apps - qortal-related Q-Apps / development documentation
  • QuickMythril - UI / Core / overall assistance
  • Qortal Seth - Q-Apps / has taken lead on finding new devs / dev and marketing meetings
  • Raziel - Brooklyn Kernel / Hardware

Other Developers

These developers below are working on Qortal directly, however do not submit much in the way of direct code to the core repositories, they develop Qortal in other ways. Such as writing articles, doing interviews, writing documentation, etc…

  • crowetic - Documentation / Scripts / Interviews / qortal.link / qortal.org
  • alfawarrior - qortal.org / community

3rd Party Developers

These developer are referred to as '3rd party' because they are not working primarily on the main code repositories, but are working on Qortal-related software development. Their software is either closed or open source depending on their requirements, and they do not currently work directly on the fully open source Qortal platform.

  • Ido - 3rd Party / Mobile Apps
  • Traxo - Mobile Wallet / Exqlorer

Dev Group Admins

There are 11 admins in the Dev Group. For a Core autoupdate to be approved on chain, more than 40% of these admins (currently 5) are required to sign the transaction. The "null account" has no owner and cannot sign transactions.

  • (null account)
  • AlphaX
  • cat
  • crowetic
  • GiseleH
  • HFactor
  • Ido
  • Justin
  • Phillip
  • QuickMythril
  • Raziel

Known Founders

Please note: there are 19 total Founder accounts. Some wish to have their anonymity respected, and as with the rest of the Qortal Project, we respect privacy and anonymity (the same applies for the rest of the list on this page which does not necessarily list all devs and help on board)! Here is the list of known Founders who are okay with their usernames listed publicly:

  • Alfa Warrior
  • Allyourbase
  • Catbref
  • crowetic
  • Drew M. Peacock
  • FDM Dynamics
  • G Factor QORT
  • LOTW
  • Qortal Rose
  • Raziel
  • T3Q
  • Teiva
  • Xander52
  • Yopilax

Contributors and Development Facilitators

crowetic: he is responsible for creation of the original qortal developer group, taking over the QORA project, finding the right developers, investing every penny he had into development, and doing everything he could think of to keep this project moving. He helps coordinate the development with the core, UI, hardware, public relations, and anywhere else that he can assist. He is one of the co-owners of Crowetic Hardware Development: a third-party service selling pre-configured QORTector devices for Qortal’s community. Crowetic Hardware Development also has 'Qortal Development Donations' available in the form of direct donations and donation subscriptions, check out https://crowetic.com

Qortal Seth: Seth has been instrumental in the recent past in facilitating new marketing initiatives, assisting with Q-App development, leading marketing and Q-App meetings, and more.

Justin: Justin has been instrumental in the development of the Q-App developer documentation website qortal.dev as well as many other Qortal and Q-App related expenditures.

Phillip: Phillip has developed more Q-Apps than anyone else, and is taking lead with Justin and Seth on the addition of new developers and teaching Q-App developers.

QuickMythril: Quick is assisting quite a bit with development related organization on the Qortal Git, and managing input/questions from the community, etc. He lends a hand wherever he can, and is always available to assist with integration of Qortal with other projects.

Core Development Details

catbref: original core developer who built the primary Qortal Core repository. He worked alone for the years leading up to Genesis as well as up to the Trade Portal launch. He is still with us today, but he is only available for us part time currently.

CalDescent aka Cal (Lead Core Developer): CalDescent has been absolutely essential in establishing the Qortal Core that exists today. He took over the development after catbref was no longer able to work as often on the project, and has done an incredible amount of work on the Qortal Core. He built QDN single-handedly along with many other aspects of the project. Cal is an absolutely incredible and extremely talented developer who loves the project and has been a key player in getting it to where it is today.

User Interface (UI) Development Details

AlphaX: he is the current lead of UI development and is also the developer of https://explorer.qortalnodes.live

Phillip: he has been focusing on the development of Q-Chat!

Justin: he has also been helping with development of Q-Chat and is also learning how to make promotional videos!

QuickMythril he has assisted with addition of new coins to the UI, translations, and more.

Irontiga:(inactive) he helped Cat build the user interface (UI) infrastructure prior to Genesis. He has had limited availability since Genesis.

LOTW:(inactive) he helped build the basic level of the UI during the first 7 months post Genesis.

Graphic Design

T3Q: he does graphic and video production work as a profession, and is the designer behind the original Qortal icon and logo as seen here on the wiki as well as the Qortal Concepts illustration. See Official Images/Press Kit for all of the images we have available.

Scythian: incredibly creative with her graphic design work. She has produced the images for the background versions, Official Coin, Minting & Leveling infographic, and Trade Portal infographic. She built the mock-up design for the dark mode UI version we see today.

Sagi: he has been helping with some graphic work for custom merchandise along with some other logo variations.

Kevin: he has been helping with variations of the logo, GIFs, memes, and other fun things.

Community Outreach and Advocates

crowetic: crowetic wrote the majority of the original paper for qortal prior to launch, built the original group of developers to have the project created, and took over the QORA project that was completely re-built and turned into qortal. crowetic has done countless interviews that can be seen here, and is always working on developing qortal in multiple ways.

Alfa Warrior: he has played a monumental role in helping us build the base community with authentic sovereign-driven members by conducting podcasts/interviews on his Alfa Vedic platforms, guest speaking on third party platforms, and speaking in person at events where they discuss everything from holistic knowledge to blockchain technology. He has also helped with developing and hosting the new website!

Yopilax: he has been actively involved in growing the community within Qortal’s and third party Discord servers. He can frequently be found in the voice channel in Discord. He has also played the role of hosting Qortal’s “Fireside Chat” podcast: Interviews/Podcasts.

Positeer: he has been helping with social media marketing and funding campaigns for various marketing efforts!

Lootz: a pirate to the core, loves the qortal project and helps get the word out any way he can.

Phillip: Phillip is always looking for ways to add additional developers and dev documentation to the project. Along with Justin and Seth. Phillip is also one of the primary Qortal-focused Q-App developers.

Justin: Justin has taken the lead on multiple marketing efforts and continues to this day to assist with Q-Apps, and adding and training new devs.

Seth: Seth has been instrumental lately in assisting the project overall, and managing multiple community meetings.

3D Printing

Xander52: he helped design the 3D printed casing for the Gen 1 QORTector device. He has also assisted with computer repair work when Crowetic was unavailable.

FDM Dynamics co-owner of Crowetic Hardware Development and responsible for the 3D design and printing of the QORTector and QORTable cases at https://crowetic.com

Hardware Development

Scare Crowe: he originated the idea for Orange Pi and Raspberry Pi hardware to be utilized as nodes for Qortal. He has been developing the custom software for the hardware devices which are open source and offer the highest levels of security compared to average computer systems. He also played a monumental role in developing important security aspects of the codebase which make the infrastructure unhackable!

HFactor: he is the lead developer for the QORTable hardware (not to be confused with QORTector) which is a usb thumb drive alternative. He also avidly helps with tech support and has been a huge asset in that regard!

crowetic: he is constantly prototyping and rebuilding systems, prototyped the QORTector Gen 2 and currently working on the Gen 3, builds laptops for sale at https://crowetic.com to support the community.

leadership_structure.1695059253.txt.gz · Last modified: 09/18/2023 13:47 by crowetic