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RPi 5 Community OS's

Trusted Community Releases by Date

Ra5piPHENIX for Pi5

Release Date: coming soon
Released by: HFactor
Repository: Qortal cloud Private Data Server

Release Details

  • Debian 12 Bookworm on 6.6.3+rpt=-rpi-2712 kernel
  • Safely overclocked to 1.8Ghz
  • Software/Kernel follow mainline Debian release/s
  • Use with or without GUI (Headless)
  • MATE 1.26.0-1 desktop with custom dark UI
  • Custom Honeycomb screensaver
  • RDP and SSH capable
  • Custom SSH login with Wifi/Bluetooth textual indicators
  • Custom Fail2Ban install to protect SSH connectivity
    • 3 failed attempts = 10 minute ban
  • Custom RDP login screen
  • Preinstalled UI built from source (V4.5.5 (will need to run updates to use))
  • Preinstalled QORTAL tools (qort tool and peer-heights)
  • Plethora of additional software such as:
    • Chromium with hardware acceleration and security/anonymity minded plugins
    • VLC Player
    • Libre Office
    • System monitors (TOP, ATOP, HTOP and Glances)
    • System info tools (Neofetch, Screenfetch, Duf (drive space))
    • Diodon clipboard manager
    • Mate tweak, terminal, disk usage analyzer, system monitor, control center and disk utility

Release Creds

  • Username: ra5pi
  • Password: dmax911e (please change via GUI or SSH)

After flashing please perform the following steps (Immediately after a new/fresh terminal load):

  • Expand filesystem:
    • sudo raspi-config (Advanced -> Expand Filesystem)
  • Update System/Apps:
    • sudo apt update && sudo apt -y upgrade
  • Download/Extract/Run core:
    •  wget https://github.com/Qortal/qortal/releases/latest/download/qortal.zip && unzip qortal.zip && cd qortal && chmod +x *.sh && ./start.sh
  • Exit Terminal
    • Exit

After the above updates and core install please perform (Immediately after a new/fresh terminal load):

  • Update Built From Source UI Via HFactor Script (If not using AppImage)
    •  ./update_install_ui.sh
      • Uninstall Built From Source UI Via HFactor Script also included (If using AppImage)
        • ./uninstall_ui.sh
  • Exit Terminal
    • Exit


IMG coming soon
MD5 coming soon


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rpi_5_community_os_s.txt · Last modified: 08/18/2024 11:48 by hfactor