Qortal Project

The future of blockchain platforms

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The Q-Apps Concept

Q-Apps can be published by anyone with a registered name, just like Qortal websites. Simply obtain a Qortal Registered Name, then publish your app. Q-Apps and websites are two 'multi-file resources' that exist on Qortal. They are actually interchangeable, and publishing a Q-App as a website and vice/versa is totally possible. For more information on this, check out 'crowetic' website. crowetic has been working on demonstrating the concept of adding JavaScript functionality to existing Qortal websites. He will also be documenting his development journey learning JavaScript and adding new functionality to a simple 'What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) web builder tool called 'Mobirise' (which he also published videos about on Q-Tube.)

Essentially, Q-Apps are WEB APPLICATIONS published on QDN, as a 'multi-file resource'. They simply must contain an 'index', and be written in 'client side' languages. (Most people choose JavaScript or React, as they seem to be the most popular client-side web languages.

With this JavaScript application, the full power of the Qortal API, and its 43+ transaction types and functionality, is available to the Q-App or website developer. Allowing them to add any number of features to their existing sites, or create completely new concepts.

As Qortal's overall development continues, further base level functionality will be added to what is potentially posssible to build on a Q-App. But even now, pretty much any concept other than one that relies upon 'real-time data streaming' (until reticulum protocol exists in Qortal, and a streaming concept is built therein) is already possible with Q-Apps.

The 'Default' Q-Apps that come with links on the new tab page on a new Qortal UI installation, are simply those that have been included there as 'demos' to make people more aware of the functionality possibilities already available, they are by no means the only ideas that can be built.

Remember, Qortal is literally infrastructure to re-build ANYTHING in a decentralized fashion, the only limitation is the developer's skill and imagination. Leveraging all the Qortal API functionality to create any number of exciting next-generation truly decentralized applications, is only a Registered Name away, with Q-Apps!

'Default Qortal Development Group built Q-Apps

Q-Apps are applications published on QDN. As of November 2023, multiple 'demos' of various functiona Q-Apps have been completed.

Many other Q-Apps exist, these are the main Qortal Development Group Q-Apps.


Video publishing and sharing platform, comments, and super-likes with QORT!



e-mail like messaging platform -


Q-Mail Version 2


'instances' (message boards)



Blogging and 'social media' with posting of videos, images, files, text, comments and tipping. -



AT-powered automated decentralized CrowdFunding -



Creation of shops for selling goods and services -



a music publishing and sharing application -


Q-Apps allow ANY developers to directly jump in without any 'approval' of any kind, and start developing on Qortal.

These Q-Apps then show up on the 'Q-Apps' plugin on qortal, and are allowed to be accessed by any users of Qortal with a registered name.

Registered names are VERY important on Qortal, and allow not only use of Q-Apps that require authentication, but the ability to publish your own Q-Apps, or content within existing Q-Apps.

Jump in and develop your own application, completely decentralized and unable to be taken down or hacked, on Qortal, with Q-Apps.

q-apps.txt · Last modified: 05/20/2024 12:45 by crowetic