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This is an old revision of the document!

The Data Storage model of Qortal has yet to be fully designed, basic information below (will be updated further soon).

We came up with a method of data storage that could be better even than using IPFS.

We have a working prototype already which works in a similar way to IPFS but we hope will be a lot more user friendly. It’s only for static sites at the moment (HTML, JS, CSS, images, other static assets) so you would need to either build it directly as a static site, or take a static copy of an existing site using a tool such as httrack, SiteSucker, Simply Static, etc.

Here’s an example site that is hosted on a Qortal data node: http://node1.qortal.uk:12393/site/cCAbsCRiGSRWNNYX8fjohdv3CdQH12vQBxyJFm3LNfhmRZrJntwJKcseEqScapDZF5CwaWMYVHJMUEJP9EqAnd8

It’s an older static copy of the Qortal wiki so it is not up to date.

At first, it will be more simple, since we will only be doing simple static websites, and we can convert wordpress sites to be hosted on Qortal's infrastructure. So if you view a website, as a data node, you will become a peer for it, unless you state that you don't want to in settings. You don't have to worry about someone uploading something to another namespace, as it simply isn't possible. The only people who can modify data on a registered name's space, is the person who owns the name. Qortal's blockchain has the registered names, just like it does now for the registered names we use for 'usernames'. Registered names will just have a data location tied to them as well; 'name storage'. A Qortal data node can act as a 'proxy' from a traditional domain. So you can host a traditional domain on Qortal as well.

Data hosting will essentially be a clone of Qortal, without the synchronizer… and a different chain that will keep track of the data hashes. The data transmission will be done like a torrent. The more peers you have the more redundant copies you will have. You will obtain peers by obtaining 'followers' or by another data node viewing your public data (unless that other node decides they do not want to be a host of your data.) Data nodes will have 100% control over what they host and what they don't but by default, if you're a data node, and you access another data node's public data, you will become a peer for it.

qort_hosting_-_new_hosting_ideas.1629098976.txt.gz · Last modified: 08/16/2021 03:29 by gfactor