Qortal Project

The future of blockchain platforms

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This is an old revision of the document!

The QORT Model

QORT has a very unique model, which has been built over many years with the minds of multiple intelligent contributors. The overall idea of the platform is to keep EVERYTHING as completely decentralized as possible. Including the modification of key numbers in the system, like block reward.

The model is something that is subject to modification both with and without vote initially, as the platform will be in beta phase, and the development team may need to make changes without having the option of waiting for a vote to be taken, and completed.

The initial model, is very likely not to be the end model. However, the initial model is one that the team and contributors believe will work out well to start the platform, and get things moving in the right direction.

QORT Account Types


qort_model.1569541598.txt.gz · Last modified: 09/26/2019 19:46 by crowetic