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Qortal Glossary

Below is our a list of terms, definitions, and links to pages on the wiki for more info. Feel free to reach out to us if you find a term missing that you think we should add! (This is a work in progress.)

Address - The public address associated with every Qortal account that is used to send and receive coins, and the association with registered names for the receiving of QORT, messages, and various other transactions within Qortal.

Backup file - an encrypted copy of your private key, which can be used to recover your account. See the Account Setup & Recovery page.

Block height - blockchains process one block at a time. The 'current' block height' of the chain would refer to the latest block processed by the chain. Your node's block height would indicate how far off your node is from being 100% synced with the current block height of the chain.

Connections - same term as 'peers' which is the number of other nodes connected to your node. You can see this number by hovering over the Qortal core icon in your system's taskbar next to the clock. FYI: Raspberry Pi/QORTector devices often do not display this core icon until you stop and start the core one time.

Core - not to be confused with the user interface (UI), the core supports the Network and immutable ledger. It processes transactions and blocks of data. Ideally, the core should be left running 24/7 while the UI can be closed without interrupting Minting.

Image - a full operating system (OS) that is pre-configured for a specific purpose, like our SinclairMATE image. It contains the customized Linux kernel by Scare Crowe, and the added GUI along with some modifications for performance, functionality, and visual appeal by HFactor. The image is the entire OS, and all added software configured by the developers that created the image. Images are generally imaged over to a storage device and booted directly, without the need for any installations of software, or installation of the OS itself.

Kernel - the 'core' of an operating system (OS). The kernel is the 'lowest level' of an OS. It allows the hardware to communicate to the software, and is always run in memory. The kernel facilitates communication between the CPU, cache, network sockets, and other hardware drivers to the software (OS). It is the first thing loaded, and facilitates the loading of the rest of the software.

Ledger - the database of all transaction information on-chain. This is what we call an immutable ledger as the blocks can only move forward and the data stored in previous blocks cannot be modified- creating the most secure database technology!

Minting - We do not MINE, we MINT! Minting, is the process of 'finding blocks' in Qortal. We are not using a term like ‘Proof of ___’ for this mining system… it is simply called ‘minting’. Read more on the Minting Overview page.

Node - your computer running the Qortal core and UI is a node/peer/connection for the chain. It is most beneficial to have a dedicated minting machine that can be left on 24/7 because 1) more nodes help the network and 2) turning your node off will require having to sync the blocks missed while the node was down. After all, we are running a node to support the Qortal Network and sovereign infrastructure to empower lives.

On-Chain - meaning ‘on the Qortal blockchain’

Pi - a Raspberry Pi computer. See the Raspberry Pi 4 page for building your own or you can buy one pre-configured from www.crowetic.com

Peers - same term as 'connections' above.

Private key - a key that is not usually seen by the typical user, this key is derived from the seedphrase and stored privately and encrypted in the UI for you automatically. This is the key that is used to sign transactions before they are broadcasted to the Qortal Network and secured on-chain.

Public key - A key that is the public pairing to the private key. This key is publicly available/viewable on-chain (once the account has had an outgoing transaction and is 'activated'). This key is used for the encryption of Private Messages (PMs) in Q-Chat, as well as the creation of 'Minting Keys' and 'Sponsorship Keys' within Qortal.

Q-Chat - Qortal's blockchain-based chat system. See Q-Chat page.

QDN - abbreviation for Qortal Data Network. With core version 3.0 we will begin to rebuild the Internet in a sovereign and unhackable fashion with free public website and data hosting. You can host your own content on your computer without any third-party reliance or hinderance. Another important tool for mankind to regain control over our digital lives, our free speech, and free trade of information. QDN will allow for Web Hosting, Application Hosting, GitHub Replacement, enhanced features with Communications, and so much more. See the QORT DATA Hosting Model page.

QORT - Qortal’s native coin - NOT A TOKEN. It powers on-chain functionality with transactions and can also be used as a digital form of payment on the Qortal Network. Read The QORT Coin page.

Qortal - the blockchain itself. Focused on true decentralization to empower lives with sovereign infrastructure. Qortal is the blockchain, QORT is the coin. Read the Qortal 101 page.

QORTable - USB flash drives with software that allows you to run the Qortal Core and UI without having to install anything on your computer.

QORTector - a cost-effective node alternative to running your Linux/Windows/Mac computer as a node 24/7. Build your own or buy one pre-configured at www.crowetic.com! See QORTector & QORTable Overview page.

Qortia - the virtual land of Qortia. Where we regain control over digital lives.

Qortians - we call ourselves Qortians in the virtual land of Qortia!

Seedphrase - think of it as a master password; a string of words that can be used to gain access to the associated account.

Sponsor - a level 5 account or higher, including Founders, who are able to sponsor level 0 accounts. See Minting Overview page.

SSD - Solid-State Drive which is used with the Raspberry Pi to create a node device. The SSD has the custom kernel stored in it, which makes the operating system for the Raspberry Pi board. The larger your SSD, the more data you will be able to store on your device, which will be important for those who want to run redundant copies of data on the Qortal Network.

Sponsee - a level 0 account who will require sponsorship from a level 5+ account in order to become a Minter. Please note: you do not have to be a Minter to use all of the other features of Qortal (excluding minting for block reward, account leveling, future sponsorship ability, and voting which requires level 1 or higher).

Sync'd - Crowetic's silly way of writing 'synced'. He likes to be 'different'.

Synced - your node has to be fully synced to Mint and send any other type of transaction such as sending a message on Q-Chat.

UI/User Interface - the graphical user interface (GUI) let’s users easily navigate the core features without having to run terminal commands. This is the same situation as your cell phone, what you are actually looking at when you use your phone is the GUI, while not seeing what is happening in the background with lines of code.

qortal_glossary.1642098654.txt.gz · Last modified: 01/13/2022 13:30 by gfactor