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This is an old revision of the document!


For clarity all commands to be typed by you are followed by ↩ symbol to denote pressing enter key. You can also simply copy and paste the relevant text from this guide into the terminal like this: Using your mouse, click and drag the portion to be copied

Right click- copy

Then right click in terminal

And choose paste

Press enter and off you go.

You will need Java installed on the raspberry pi as well as 7zip.

To install them, open a terminal window

and get your system up to date using:

sudo apt update↩

The files will be downloaded and installed. # Next we will upgrade the entire system to the latest version using:

sudo apt full-upgrade↩

# It will check what’s needing to be upgraded and a prompt will appear, type y and press enter.


# Now we will configure the system to allow remote access via ssh to Raspberry using a remote computer:

sudo raspi-config↩

A new window will open.Use your arrow keys to navigate and enter to select. Select option three, to configure peripheral connections and then select and enable SSH. Navigate to the finish button and press enter.

You will find yourself back in the terminal window. # Now that your system is up to date, let's install Java:

sudo apt install default-jdk↩

# To check if it’s installed properly, type:

java -version↩

This will display your currently installed version of java and display something like openjdk version "" 2020-11-04 OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build OpenJDK Server VM (build, mixed mode)

# Assuming all went well and Java is installed, we now install 7zip:

sudo apt-get install p7zip-full -y ↩

It will be done shortly.

Install Qortal Core on your Raspberry Pi 4.

# In the terminal:

wget https://github.com/Qortal/qortal/releases/download/v1.4.3/qortal-1.4.3.zip

This will download the core zip file to your PI. # Now we unzip it with:

unzip qortal-1.4.3.zip↩

# Then enter the newly unzipped Qortal directory using:

cd qortal↩

Now we will download the zipped database file:

# Type the command:


This will show you a list of all the files in the Qortal folder. It should look like this

              log.txt.1   run.log        start.sh

log4j2.properties qortal.jar settings.json stop.sh

# To download the database type:

wget https://qortal.tmgoxford.com/db.7z

Be patient. It’s a huge file and will take a while to complete. When it’s done downloading, your prompt will reappear and you can continue installing. # Extract the database:

7z x db.7z↩

This will also take quite some time. When it’s done extracting, your prompt will reappear and you can continue. # Now you must grant permissions to the scripts in the folder so you can run them:

chmod a+x *.sh↩

# Next we edit the configuration file to optimise for raspberry pi:

echo -en "{\n\"maxPeers\":32,\n\"minBlockchainPeers\": 8,\n\"apiDocumentationEnabled\": true\n}\n\"" > settings.json↩

# Let’s make sure it did what is required, let’s display the settings.json file by:

cat settings.json↩

You should get the following

{ "maxPeers":32, "minOutboundPeers":16, "minBlockchainPeers":8, "maxNetworkThreadPoolSize":25, "apiDocumentationEnabled":true }

# Assuming all went well to this point you can now start the core:


It should tell you it's passed the java version check and give you the PID

  Passed Java version check
  qortal running as pid (whatever PID digits it assigns)

A moment or two later the logo will appear, centre screen and after about 20-30 seconds a small Qortal icon will appear in the top right section of your screen.

Give it a minute or two to start making connections and then hover your mouse over the icon. Connection data will appear, synchronisation %, number of peers you are connected to and the current block height you are at.

CONGRATULATIONS. Your node is up and running.

# To stop it gracefully at any point open a terminal:

cd /qortal↩


Currently it is not easy to setup the User Interface (UI) on the raspberry pi. You can connect the running core on your Raspberry Pi to a second computer that has the UI installed with the following method: On Mac, open the terminal application and tell the mac to set up an SSH connection to your pi using the following command to connect the correct ports:

ssh -L 22391: pi@your pi’s local ip address↩

This takes the output from port 12391 on your pi to port 22391 on your Mac Now we open the UI on the Mac and follow the steps to use this new connection.

Select add custom node

In the menu, select the following options

protocol=http, domain=, port=22391

Click add and on the Settings page and select your newly added node. Login as usual.

Instructions for Windows machines will be available shortly.

An expanded version of this guide will be available soon, with the next steps and a list of useful commands.

raspberry_pi4.1615717745.txt.gz · Last modified: 03/14/2021 06:29 by lancek99