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This is an old revision of the document!

Qortal 3.0 and UI version 1.7.0

The largest single update in Qortal history

This update includes MASSIVE changes on both the UI and Core. There are some considerations to keep in mind.

The UI version MUST be updated FIRST, before the core, or the older UI versions will STOP FUNCTIONING. This is for multiple reasons. The new core requires an API key to be used for 'sensitive' API calls, and the older UI did not use this method. Also, the 3.0 version after QDN transaction 'go live' timestamp, will change the default transaction version from 4 to 5, and the older UI versions do not have the ability to create that new transaction type. Therefore updating to 1.7.0 UI FIRST is required in order to keep functionality.

Windows and Mac users who are already on version 1.6.3 of the Qortal UI, will automatically update and will not have to do anything to update their UI.

Linux users who are using the .deb package, will have to update manually at this point. Linux users who are using the .appimage will update automatically from 1.6.3. We recommend at this point to use the .appimage until we can get the .deb auto-updates functional again. That should take place shortly, but for now it is much easier to use the .appimage as that will update automatically.

In order to SWITCH to using the .appimage file, you simply download the .appimage for your architecture (you can RENAME the file to something like 'Qortal-UI' if you like, so it looks nicer.) Right click the file and go to properties, under the properties window, there is a security tab, click that tab, then check executable for your user.

pi users - We now have an .appimage compatible with both arm and arm64. This will allow pi users to not have to build from source anymore, and will auto-update like every other UI version. Same exact instructions for linux users as far as changing to the new .appimage. Simply download the file (rename it if you like, something like 'Qortal-UI' makes the most sense.) Right click the file and go to properties, on the properties window there is a security tab, on that tab check the executable flag for 'owner' (see image below) then you can simply double-click and RUN the appimage, no longer needing to build from source.

(note - building from source will also continue to work, and you may build from source if you prefer. We have modified the repo that the UI uses, but even the older 'UI' repo will continue to be updated. Also, if you build from source and run with ELECTRON, it WILL auto-update that way as well.)

update_to_3.0.1641924762.txt.gz · Last modified: 01/11/2022 13:12 by crowetic