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Most Common Questions

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NO PRE-MINE (chain starts at 0 QORT)

Project is called Qortal. Qortal's coin is called and listed on the trade portal as QORT. This is also referred to as the ‘ticker’.

Becoming a minter will require Sponsorship - this period is 7200 online blocks with a Sponsorship Key assigned.

Account must be level 5 or higher to sponsor (can sponsor up to 5 accounts at once)

Sponsorship requires the assignment of the Sponsorship key created by a level 5+ minter, assigned to any node. Read more about this on the Minting Overview and Becoming A Minter wiki pages.

You can register only one name per account, so 1 account = 1 name.

Name registration will cost you 1.25 QORT

No Total Cap on QORT coin, every ‘6 months’ there is a decrease in block reward from its start at 5 QORT, by .25, until 2 QORT is the reward. Thereafter, a vote can be made with the suggestion of an increase or decrease of 0.25 to 1 QORT difference per block via vote, however, this type of vote can only take place one time per ‘year’ (in blocks). For example, if the current block reward was 3 QORT, the vote could only be: 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75 & 4 QORT. (Only up to a 1 QORT difference up or down or any 0.25 increment between.) Block reward can only be voted to as low as 1 QORT per block, or as high as 5 QORT per block. These are the minimum and maximum block reward range Qortal will EVER potentially see. See Block Rewards & Distribution for more info. You can see the current block reward on the Qortal Status Updates (old page) page.

Average 60 second block time (1440 blocks per day): no blockchain is ever 'exact' with their block time, and Qortal's algorithm is not either. In reality, the block time is anywhere between 60-90 seconds. This is why we say average or approximately because it decided by an algorithm which is much more accurate than a lot of other chains. For security against 51% attacks, it gives more weight to the higher leveled accounts in terms of actually being the block signer which also determines the time to mint the next block. As a result, the algorithm is much more secure and as the number of nodes grows over time, the vulnerability for a 51% decreases. In fact, this infancy phase of Qortal is really the only time of the chain's most vulnerable state, but even then, it would take nearly all high leveled accounts to work together to successfully execute a 51% attack which is exactly why the Founder accounts are given the highest leveled accounts with more influence over the network initially. This is also why it is so important to sponsor people we feel are seeking sponsorship for the right reasons which will allow us to continue to grow our trusted number of ethical nodes. It's important to note, that we are not concerned about a 51% at this point in the project (as of December 2021).

What you earn is based on how many people you share with your account level bracket. Read here for more info on how this works: Block Rewards & Distribution

QORA forgers will be minting-enabled (does not require sponsorship) - their level will be determined by the number of blocks they forged on QORA chain

If you burned QORA prior to the final burn date, you will automatically become part of the QORA transition. All you need to do is login with the account's seed from QORA, in Qortal.

QORA forgers will start at a level between 1-5. (Level 5 is the max starting level for forgers.)

Level 1+ can mint

Level 5+ can sponsor

URL http vs https: Qortal does not need SSL (which is the S in https) when you are connecting to Qortal's UI. You only need SSL when you are connecting to another computer. There is no information leaving your browser when you access Qortal's UI http address as data is only pulled FROM the server and loaded, but nothing is sent back from your computer to the server. So SSL is entirely not necessary in the particular case of accessing Qortal's UI via web browser to Crowetic's community node.

Minimum specs for running a node: At the present time, the core and UI will run with 2GB of ram or even less, and 1 core even, depending on the type of core (it's hard to give 'base specs' like that without caveats). Windows is the worst with everything, especially memory management, so specs for ideal performance on Windows would be different than any other OS. It’s likely a minimum requirement for Windows of quad core, 8GB RAM (no other apps running ideally) and at least 50GB free strictly for the database. Any device with Java 11+ (11.0.2+ preferred) will run the Qortal core.

Your computer does not have to stay running 24/7, but if it isn’t, then you won’t be minting. You will also not be minting if your computer goes to sleep, so be sure to turn off sleep mode.

Account name registration is limited to 40 characters max. Group name registration is limited to 32 characters max. For now group names will need to use ASCII characters (A-z, 0-9, etc) until improvements can be made.

most_common_questions.1670492461.txt.gz · Last modified: 12/08/2022 04:41 by gfactor